Manitoba Sends Out 335 Invitations to Immigration Candidates During Their Latest PNP Draw
It won’t stop! Manitoba has sent out 335 invitations to immigration candidates so they could apply for a provincial nomination. The invitations were sent during the March 25, 2021, draw. Manitoba is known for regularly sending out invitations to immigrants so they could apply through one of the 3 PNP (Provincial Nominee Program) streams, which are Skilled Workers in Manitoba , International Education Stream , and Skilled Workers Overseas . Here is the result of the March 25, 2021 draw: · Skilled Workers in Manitoba— 285 invitations with a minimum Expression of Interest score of 423 · Skilled Workers Overseas— 9 invitations with a minimum Expression of Interest core of 711 · International Education Stream— 41 invitations with no Expression of Interest score requirement Not only that, but more good news! A ...